Wild about wild camping
This summer many of us will be looking for peace and solitude in the great outdoors. This isn’t always available in conventional campsite. The answer? Wild Camping!
Wild camping is essentially camping without facilities.
A few basic things to remember:
There will be no facilities, so you’ll need to take your own, and find your own solutions.
Most important are Food, Water and Waste.
Food stands to reason. Take plenty but be aware no facilities means no ice so consider what will best keep and what best to buy locally. Always good to support local businesses. Always stop at honesty box tables, a great way to get essentials like eggs but also more quirky items.
Water, for drinking, cooking and washing. Even with the most conservative use you will use loads. Nothing worse, or more holiday stopping, than running out of water. Take plenty. Big containers, medium containers and drinking containers, you will use them all. Drive with them empty and fill up locally. Take every opportunity to top them up.
Waste. Everyday rubbish, just crush and store to take away with you, or dispose of when you can. Keep closed and double bagged, and preferably off the ground to discourage dogs, badgers and foxes.
Grey water, just choose a spot or dig a hole to empty. Human waste, use anything from a hole with a planks across to a nice chemical loo with tent. Use organic biodegradable blue (in fact it’s green). When full, dig a deep hole (remember to take a spade for this), empty and cover over.
Get permission from the landowner to guarantee a trouble-free stay.
Not so easy when out and about to find who’s land it is. In Scotland you can camp pretty much anywhere, well done Scotland, but England not quite so enlightened. A good place to start is a pub or village shop, just ask.. is there anywhere around here I can wild camp? To be surer it’s better to do a little research before leaving. Search Wild camping spot. Where can I wild camp? Along with the area you have in mind. Get creative. Offer to pay. It helps.
Go wild
Most importantly this is what you are here for. Let your hair down and go wild. Sing, play, paint, draw, swim, walk, prepare amazing food. Turn your devices off! Yep you heard it. To really break away it has to be done. You won’t miss anything. If must turn your phone on once a day to respond emails and messages with ..’I’m on holiday’.
Leave it as you find it.
As you leave give it a last double check so the next people find the same great spot you found.
Happy holidays